Frequently Asked Questions About Sugaring & Waxing

What’s the difference between wax and sugaring? 

Sugaring is applied with the esthetician’s hands directly onto the skin (they wear gloves, of course), while we use wooden sticks for our hard wax. Sugaring pulls the hair in the direction it grows (wax pulls against), so many find it to be a gentler, less painful process. Both products are warm and have a honey-like consistency.

What should I expect during a wax/sugaring? 

You will be greeted by our front desk when you check in, then your esthetician will come get you from the waiting area and you’ll be shown to a treatment room. She will leave while you remove your bottom layer of clothing and return when you’re ready. 

Do I need to be really hairy before my wax/sugaring? 

If it’s your first wax/sugaring ever, we recommend you haven’t shaved for at least 10 days (2 weeks preferably). We recommend waiting three to four weeks between wax/sugaring appointments, but if you need to see us sooner than that to freshen up, we can certainly accommodate you.

What should I expect immediately afterward? 

For waxing, you may be a tad red and sensitive for up to 24 hours after. We recommend not working out (or um, having sex) within 24 hours. For sugaring, most clients experience a little redness for an hour or so, but go on about their normal lives (exercise, sex and all) immediately after.

How long will I be fuzz-free?

Everybody is different, but most clients who get waxed/sugaring regularly come every four weeks (give or take). Sugaring keeps the hair away a little longer, and the more you do it, the less the hair grows back; and for many, it grows back thinner and softer.

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